
NextGen Nesters
Rise Up and Ask: Steps to Start Getting What You Deserve
Rise Up and Ask: Steps to Start Getting What You Deserve Sep 03, 2024

Have you ever felt a hesitation when it comes to asking for what you truly deserve? Maybe it's a feeling of not wanting to impose or a fear of how others might perceive you. Whatever it is, you’re not alone. Many women find it challenging to speak up and ask for what they need, but it...

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NextGen Nesters
Your Personal Highlight Reel: Celebrating Your Greatest Hits
Your Personal Highlight Reel: Celebrating Your Greatest Hits Aug 20, 2024

Have you ever taken a moment to truly celebrate all the incredible things you've already achieved? We often focus on our goals and what's next on the list, but what about those unforgettable moments that have shaped who you are today? In this blog, we'll explore how to create your personal...

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NextGen Nesters
The Secret to Happiness - Letting Go of Control
The Secret to Happiness - Letting Go of Control Aug 06, 2024

Ever find yourself replaying the same situation in your head over and over, losing sleep, and feeling frustrated? You're not alone. Letting go of things we can't control is a struggle for many, but understanding why this happens can be a game-changer. Our brains are wired to seek control, and...

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NextGen Nesters
Empathy Replay: 6 Steps to Deeper Connections
Empathy Replay: 6 Steps to Deeper Connections Jul 16, 2024

Today, let's chat about something magical: empathy. It's that amazing ability to step into someone else's shoes and truly feel what they're feeling. But, let's be real—empathy can feel like solving a tricky puzzle! Have you ever wondered why it’s so tough to connect deeply with...

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NextGen Nesters
Declare Your Independence From Distractions
Declare Your Independence From Distractions Jul 02, 2024

Feeling overwhelmed by constant distractions? Discover how to reclaim focus and embrace a more mindful, creative life. The audio blog explores ways to find inner peace and clarity in this fast-paced world with 5 fun strategies. Tune in to hear practical insights and inspiring reflections that...

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NextGen Nesters
Level Up Your Small Talk Game
Level Up Your Small Talk Game Jun 18, 2024

Let's chat about something essential—small talk! It's all about building charisma and expanding our social circles, especially as we embrace new chapters in our lives. Imagine attending a women's group and feeling that spark when someone asks for your advice. Feels good, right? Researchers...

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NextGen Nesters
3 Simple Steps To Reboot Your Creativity
3 Simple Steps To Reboot Your Creativity Jun 04, 2024

Let’s journey back to that magical land of imagination and creativity. Remember how effortlessly these came to us as kids? Somewhere along the way, adulthood can dim that sparkle, but guess what? It’s never too late to reignite it!

In this audio blog, you’ll uncover the secrets...

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NextGen Nesters
Do You Speak With Confidence? Start Removing Tentative Language Now!
Do You Speak With Confidence? Start Removing Tentative Language Now! May 21, 2024

Ready to kick those "I'm not sure, but..." habits to the curb and start speaking with a little more oomph? Well, you're in the right place! Today, we're tackling a sneaky little thing called tentative language. It's like the invisible barrier that sometimes keeps us from sounding as confident as...

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NextGen Nesters
Three Ways To Boost Your Happiness By Accepting Compliments
Three Ways To Boost Your Happiness By Accepting Compliments May 07, 2024

Ever find yourself squirming instead of basking in the glow of a compliment? You're definitely not alone. Today, we are talking about — why compliments can sometimes make us feel awkward and how we can start to embrace them with grace. Think of it as learning to accept a little gift of...

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NextGen Nesters
Managing Your Money Mindfully
Managing Your Money Mindfully Apr 16, 2024

Just in time for the spring season, we're discussing something a bit different than the usual spring cleaning. We’re talking about sprucing up our financial lives with mindfulness in our latest audio blog. Ever wondered why being mindful can feel as good as finding a lost $20 bill in an old...

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NextGen Nesters
Three Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself Every Three Months
Three Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself Every Three Months Apr 02, 2024

How about flipping the script on how you view your entire year? Imagine if every three months, you hit the refresh button and started anew. Sounds intriguing, right? This idea is all wrapped up in our latest audio blog, "3 Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself Every Three Months," inspired by the...

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NextGen Nesters
Eclipse Your Worries: 5 Steps to a Happier You
Eclipse Your Worries: 5 Steps to a Happier You Mar 19, 2024

Ready for a celestial twist on life's big changes? On April 8th, the universe is setting the stage for a solar eclipse. But hold on, this isn't just an outer space marvel; it's a mirror reflecting our own life transformations, especially those pivotal moments that come knocking later in life....

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