
NextGen Nesters
Refresh, Reflect, and Renew: Importance of Mid-Year Check-ins for Empty Nester Moms
Refresh, Reflect, and Renew: Importance of Mid-Year Check-ins for Empty Nester Moms Jun 20, 2023

This blog post emphasizes the importance of mid-year check-ins for empty nester moms to refresh, reflect, and renew their life goals. It contains a personal story of how their own goals got buried beneath the chaos of everyday life, resulting in frustration and a sense of being lost.

This blog...

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NextGen Nesters
Enchanting Allure of Popping Green: Nature's Invitation to Shine Anew
Enchanting Allure of Popping Green: Nature's Invitation to Shine Anew Jun 06, 2023

This blog explores the transformative power of nature and encourages empty nesters to embrace the enchanting allure of "Popping Green" to rejuvenate their lives. It emphasizes the vibrant beauty of spring, where green leaves and delicate blossoms unfold with grace and vigor.

By immersing oneself...

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NextGen Nesters
Traditions as Bridges: Rediscovering Joy and Connection in the Empty Nest Phase
Traditions as Bridges: Rediscovering Joy and Connection in the Empty Nest Phase May 29, 2023

This Memorial Day blog emphasizes the importance of building bridges, nurturing traditions, and fostering connections in our lives, particularly during the empty nest phase.

The metaphor of the "Singing Bridge," a historic bridge that generates unique sounds with every car crossing it,...

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