Three Ways To Boost Your Happiness By Accepting Compliments

awkward compliments embrace genuine connections grace positivity self-esteem self-worth May 07, 2024
NextGen Nesters
Three Ways To Boost Your Happiness By Accepting Compliments

Ever find yourself squirming instead of basking in the glow of a compliment? You're definitely not alone. Today, we are talking about — why compliments can sometimes make us feel awkward and how we can start to embrace them with grace. Think of it as learning to accept a little gift of words.

Many of us are pros at dodging compliments without even realizing it. Whether we’re throwing it right back, minimizing our achievements, or crediting someone else, it’s like we’re saying we don’t fully value or believe in the nice things others see in us. But here's the kicker: by deflecting, we rob ourselves of feeling as great as we truly are.

So, how can you start embracing compliments? It’s simpler than you think and can lead to a more confident, happier, and positive you.

Curious about the three ways to boost your happiness by accepting compliments? Tune in to the audio blog to learn how. Let's make embracing compliments our new superpower!

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