Serve, Laugh, Repeat: Empty Nesters Start Your New Adventure

active lifestyle adventure embrace change empty nesters friendship george bernard shaw keep playing mindfulness new passions personal growth physical activity pickleball pickleball paddle post-parenting serve social engagement wellness Aug 01, 2023
NextGen Nesters
Serve, Laugh, Repeat: Empty Nesters Start Your New Adventure

This blog offers a fresh perspective on life after children have grown up and moved out - the empty nest phase. The author uses pickleball, an increasingly popular sport, as an analogy for exploring new passions and embracing change in this new stage of life. The author recounts their own experience as a newcomer to the game, initially nervous, but soon finding camaraderie among fellow empty nesters who were looking for fun and social interaction. The game's fast pace and the joy derived from participating, regardless of skill level, are likened to the exhilarating pace and challenges of parenthood and life itself.

This blog emphasizes the importance of continuous social engagement, physical activity, exploration, and laughter for personal growth and fulfillment, underscoring this with a quote often credited to George Bernard Shaw: "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

The post concludes with an encouraging call to action for empty nesters to embrace their newfound freedom, step out of their comfort zones, and try out a game of pickleball.

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