Level Up Your Small Talk Game

charisma empty nesters mature women small talk social circles Jun 18, 2024
NextGen Nesters
Level Up Your Small Talk Game

Let's chat about something essential—small talk! It's all about building charisma and expanding our social circles, especially as we embrace new chapters in our lives. Imagine attending a women's group and feeling that spark when someone asks for your advice. Feels good, right? Researchers have uncovered some magical tricks to elevate your small talk game, making you seem smarter and more competent. Want to know how?

We’ve got some fantastic strategies up our sleeve that will transform your conversations. From a simple technique called A.C.T. to spicing up typical questions and using your surroundings as icebreakers, there’s so much to explore.

Ready to become a small talk Superstar? Listen to the full audio blog and discover all the juicy details!


  • Gino, F., & Schweitzer, M. E. (2015). Smart people ask for (my) advice: Seeking advice boosts perceptions of competence. Harvard Business School and Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved from Squarespace

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