How Empty Nester Moms Make Time For Each Day

empty nester moms goals love mother's day self-care self-empowerment time management May 14, 2023
NextGen Nesters
How Empty Nester Moms Make Time For Each Day

This blog emphasizes the importance of motherhood and how empty nester moms can make time for themselves each day. Mitochondrial DNA links us to every mother who has ever existed, and as mothers, we are part of a long chain of loving individuals who have given birth and nurtured all of humankind. Despite the challenges, being a mother is the most important thing an individual could do.

Empty nesters have the opportunity to continue their life journey, centered around self-love, self-trust, and self-empowerment. They can take care of their physical and emotional health, treat themselves with kindness and respect, and nurture their own growth and well-being. By empowering themselves to take control of their own destiny, they can accomplish their goals and give back to the world.

Spring is a natural companion to Mother's Day, as it represents the renewal of life after the dormant winter months, and a mother's love is eternal and will never end in bringing forth and nurturing new life. It is important for mothers to celebrate their accomplishments and look forward to a long life of joy, purpose, and meaning.


  • Obama, B. (2004). Dreams from my father: A story of race and inheritance. Three Rivers Press.
  • Sykes, B. (2002). Seven Daughters of Eve: The Science That Reveals Our Genetic Ancestry. W. W. Norton & Company.

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