Grateful Flow: Holiday or "Holi-Daze" You Decide

coffee empty nesters grateful flow gratitude gravy boat holiday season jeans kabat-zinn mindfulness moment morning pies thank you toasts turkey Nov 21, 2023
NextGen Nesters
Grateful Flow: Holiday or "Holi-Daze" You Decide

Do you know how the holiday season can sometimes feel more like a "Holi-daze"? Well, this audio blog gives a fresh perspective to approach it. Think of it this way - turkeys might be getting nervous and pies are ruling the dinner tables, but amidst the rush, where do you fit in? It’s all about finding that moment to pause and appreciate the little things. The short? Embrace gratitude and mindfulness.

Face it, holidays can turn us into task-driven robots. But remember, you hold the keys. You decide how to experience this season - a blur of endless tasks or a serene journey cherishing each second. The choice is yours. Even in the busiest moments, like hosting a festive dinner, there's beauty to be found, stories to share, and memories waiting to be made.

So, as the turkey's being carved and toasts are being raised, let's commit to celebrating the present, and letting our hearts feel gratitude. Being present is the essence of mindfulness. This season, take a breath, laugh at unexpected events, and find joy in daily pleasures. Curious about more heartwarming insights and holiday tips? Give our audio blog a listen for the full experience and dive deep into the spirit of Grateful Flow.

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Remember to Shine Anew on your path to a fulfilling life.