Flow State Funday: Crafting Magic Out of an Unexpected Day Off

binge-watching empty nesters engrossed flow state mihaly csikszentmihalyi mindfulness moms present wellness Nov 07, 2023
NextGen Nesters
Flow State Funday: Crafting Magic Out of an Unexpected Day Off

Waking up expecting a routine day, only to find out work's canceled and everything else you'd planned for is closed, is a surprise, to say the least. Dubbed an unofficial "no chores, no work, just you" day, you're presented with a rare opportunity: How do you, empty nester moms, make the most of this unexpected free time? While binge-watching your favorite series is tempting, there's a richer experience waiting for you - one that allows you to truly connect with the moment, and yourself.

Enter the concept of "flow." Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a psychology researcher from the 1960s, coined this term after observing painters who were so engrossed in their work that external distractions ceased to exist. This state isn't exclusive to artists; from walking and gardening to simply lying on the grass and imagining stories from the shapes of the clouds, we all have the potential to experience flow. It's about being present, feeling each sensation, and truly immersing oneself in the experience.

This surprise day off is not just a day to pass the time but an opportunity to enrich it. The challenge? To reconnect with different facets of oneself and to find joy in the present. When you tap into this, you not only enjoy the day but elevate your overall wellness. So, the question is: how will you choose to spend this unexpected gift?


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