Casting Off Concerns: The Key to Enlightenment Was Next To My OJ

anxiety blood pressure concerns control empty nesters energy flow joy keys mindfulness misplaced moms personal wholeness phone physical effects present redirect refrigerator self-care social engagement stress hormones worries worry Sep 05, 2023
NextGen Nesters
Casting Off Concerns: The Key to Enlightenment Was Next To My OJ

This blog underscores the significance of living in the present moment and steering clear of unwarranted concerns. The post recounts a humorous tale of an empty-nester mom who inadvertently left her car keys and phone in the fridge while on a shopping trip with her daughter. The concern and worry that followed while searching for these items reflected how often we let small issues take over our minds and cause us stress.

The post delves into how worrying creates a false sense of control and elaborates on the tangible effects of worry, including elevated blood pressure and stress hormone levels. It makes mention of a Swedish proverb, "Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow," indicating that we tend to exaggerate problems in our minds, making them appear more significant than they are.

In addressing worries, the post recommends fostering social connections and nurturing personal wholeness by indulging in activities that promote mindfulness and flow. It challenges empty nesters to take a breather when worries arise and redirect their energy to a more positive outlet. By jotting down worries and revisiting them later, empty nesters might find that their concerns have resolved themselves or seem less significant than they initially thought.

In conclusion, this blog encourages empty nesters to use their energies to drive forward and shine anew instead of getting lost in the fridge of worries.


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